Tuesday, May 5, 2009

You're a Mom

We'll call this frugal entertainment. If you're a mom of young kids (or if you're a mom at all) and you haven't heard/seen this song by "Go Fish" you need to watch this video. We first heard it months ago and my hubby & kids still sing it to me about once a week.

My favorite line ... "If you're tired of doing dishes and you know who Elmo's fish is... You're a mom.

Enjoy! This definitely works for me. For more ideas go to WeAreThatFamily.

1 comment:

Mama Jessica said...

I loved that! Thanks for sharing it. I found your blog from the WFMW post. My favorite part of the song was "if your living room floor looks like a toy store your a mom". Ha, that is so my living room right now!


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