Monday, February 1, 2010

Bible in 90 Days: 1 Month Update

Today marks the beginning of Month 2 in my adventure reading the whole Bible cover to cover in 90 days. I figured it had been a few weeks, so it's time to update you on how the challenge is going.

In a word (or 2) -- it's challenging!

The realities of reading 1-1½ hours every day:
I wish I could say that by now reading the Bible for a whole hour every day was habit. But, I can't.

There are some days I do very well and other days when I seem to fall off the bandwagon. Last week I seem to have hit a wall. Thursday through Saturday I barely read at all. I did read a little every day, but it wasn't enough to keep up.Yesterday was a bit better. I started yesterday in the middle of Day 27, and when I had finished Day 27, determined that I was going to read all of Day 28 before I went to bed. At the moment, I'm several pages into Day 28 (the beginning of 1 Chronicles); I should be on Day 32. Amy at Mom's Toolbox warned us before we began the challenge that our schedules were likely to get more difficult - she was right!

A few thoughts on what I've read:
I can honestly say that reading this much in this short a time is giving me a new perspective on the whole story of God's redemption. I found reading the last half of 2 Kings to be depressing. King after king after king that rejected God, followed false gods, and led his people further astray. I reached the point that I thought, "It's amazing to me that God didn't wipe them out sooner! He's more patient than I thought." I also then wasn't at all surprised when He said, "Enough! I've had it with you all. I'm sending an army to wipe you out!" 

This also reminded me of an insight I first had from Deuteronomy 4 & 5. In those chapters God warns the people that if later generations follow false gods, they will "quickly perish from the land they are crossing the Jordan to possess" and they will be exiled to other nations. But, if from those scattered nations they seek the Lord, then God will be merciful. How amazing. Even if they reject God generation after generation, if they then repent and seek God He will be merciful and will not abandon them.

He also reminds them that he will "punish the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation ... but show love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments." (Deut 5:9-10) These passages reminded me that although God is just and jealous, He is also merciful. And He is more merciful than He is just!  Sins will only be passed to the 3rd and 4th generation, but love will be passed to 1000 generations! When I fail, as I do so often, that is a very comforting reminder that God still loves me and welcomes me back. 

Continuing on ...
My children are back at school today, the house is mine alone at the moment. So, I'm going to take a shower and continue my reading. I'm hoping to finish Day 29 and get well into Day 30 today. If I can do that for the next few days I'll be caught up again. I'll be sure to update the sidebar as to my progress each day. You can check in there to see if I'm up to date or not.

If you too, are reading the Bible in 90 Days, be sure to check in with Mom's Toolbox today. You'll want to read the encouragement of Ted Cooper, Jr, the founder of Bible in 90 Days. You'll also want to complete the brief survey -- it took me about 2 minutes.

If you are not reading the Bible in 90 Days, you can still click over to Mom's Toolbox and check in on the other bloggers who are. Each of us would request your prayers for motivation to continue and cleared schedules. I have been fascinated to read about how others are doing with their reading, their motivations, and how God is changing them through this process.


Pattie said...

RYC: Thanks for your encouragement :)

I have to absolutely agree w/you about the redemption story. It's an amazing picture of God's love, isn't it?

Jolanthe said...

Thank goodness He IS so merciful! :)

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